• gonjon-searchhistory

    2023-12-21 20:37:02
  • gonjon-staging-collection

    2023-12-21 20:46:27
    Given the context of a search engine like Gonjon focusing on African content and the diaspora, the staging collection will serve as the initial repository for raw data before it's processed and moved to the content collec...
  • news-api-sites

    2023-12-21 20:59:14
    For a search engine like Gonjon, which focuses on content relevant to Africa and its diaspora, integrating with various APIs to fetch news, articles, and reports is a key strategy. There are several APIs you might consider for this purpose, each o...
  • API to firebase collection

    2023-12-21 23:20:08
    Yes, it is entirely possible to use Firebase Cloud Functions to pull data from an external API and then store it in a Firebase Firestore collection, while also ensuring a clean data structure and managing file size. This approach is often used for...
  • ...
  • Yes, that's a good approach. Writing a Cloud Function to call the OpenFDA API and create individual documents within your 'drugs' collection in Firebase Firestore is an efficient way to import and structure the data. Here's a step-by-step guide on...
  • Certainly! Below is an example of a Firebase Cloud Function written in Node.js. This function will fetch data from the OpenFDA API, sample 5 drugs, and write them to your Firebase Firestore 'drugs' collection. The fields will be mapped according t...
  • Understood. If authentication and initialization of Firebase Admin SDK have already been handled, and if you're not using the function as a Cloud Function export, the code can be simplified. Here's the revised JavaScript code: In this code:...
  • Large Data upload from API

    2023-12-22 00:28:16
    o upload a large number of documents (like 100,000) from the OpenFDA API to Firestore with breaks at every 10,000 documents, you need to modify the code to handle pagination in API requests and batched writes to Firestore. This is a complex task b...
  • Fooddata Central Data

    2023-12-22 01:56:32
    To get food data from FoodData Central, you'll typically need to access their database, which might be available through a bulk download or an API. FoodData Central provides comprehensive data on food and nutrients. The process generally involves ...
  • Encounter

    2024-01-08 00:46:51
  • If you are receiving an error about import declarations, it means that your environment does not support ES6 module syntax (import) or it is not enabled. Since you've mentioned that require is also not allowed in your env...
  • Drugs data

    2024-01-09 07:30:58
    To modify your script to fetch data from a public JSON file instead of using the API, you'll need to adjust the way you retrieve data. Here's how you can rewrite the code to fetch data from a public JSON file located at https://storage.googl...
  • Drugs FDA

    2024-01-09 10:37:17
    The openfda.product_ndc field in the FDA drug labeling data is also a very important and unique identifier, but it serves a different purpose compared to openfda.spl_id and openfda.spl_set_id. ...